If you want to learn English fast and speak English fluently, you shouldn’t focus on grammar rules. In fact, the best way to learn a foreign language is listening. You must focus on listening to easy and interesting materials repeatedly. So, download the Effortless English course, and the Effortless English system offers you the most powerful lessons to help you to improve your English skills.
Power English course is very useful to practice listening and speaking with the mini-story listen and answer lessons. You can download Effortless English courses easily into your computer and start to learn in 10 minutes. Now please watch the below video to figure out how to download Effortless English lessons step by step.

Hi, I am A.J. Hoge, the director of Effortless English. And now, I want to show you how exactly you get your lesson. Because all of my lessons are digital. That’s great because you get them right now. You don’t need to wait for the mail. There is no mail, there is no extra mail cost. Instead, I send you an e-mail with a link and then you click the link and you download each lesson set to your computer. You can use them right now, today, or immediately. Read the full transcript of the video.
Effortless English Download
Effortless English lessons will help you speak English faster, understand faster and learn vocabulary much faster, and learn grammar much better and much faster. After six months of using my lessons, you will speak English easily, quickly, and automatically.
Now, how can I say this? I can say this because my lessons come from the best research from experts such as Dr. James Asher, Dr. Stephen Krashen, and Dr. J. Marvin Brown. Their research shows that these Effortless English methods will help you learn English 4-5 times faster and remember it much longer. And you will learn how to speak quickly, easily, and automatically.
The Best English Courses

Power English contains 32 lesson sets. There is the main article lesson, a mini-story lesson, and a point-of-view lesson in each set. Also, there are 6 commentary mp3 lessons as a bonus. As I said before, from the main article you will learn many interesting things, for example, how to be confident, and strong and never give up on achieving your goals. The mini-story and point-of-view lessons will effortlessly teach you English grammar.
As a result, I believe Power English lessons are the best, the most powerful English lessons you can find. I highly recommend AJ Hoge Power English lessons. I think these lessons can help any of you who wants to improve your English skills for speaking excellent English. The price of Power English is the same as the Original English Lesson Set and it is 97 USD. Also, AJ Hoge is sure you will speak English better with his lessons and he gives a Money back guarantee.
Download Power English Course
Power English is another powerful course that helps you to improve your English listening and speaking skills. There are lots of idioms, slang, and common expressions to learn in English. So if you want to understand real English, you should learn from Power English Course. Since all the lessons are digital (mp3-audio) you can download Effortless English lessons easily and use them in minutes.
This great course used to be sold for $97 for a long time. It contains 32 lessons set which takes 6 months and improve your speaking skills very fast. But A.J. Hoge the director of the Effortless English program decided to increase the price. Now, if you click this link: Effortless English Club you can see the price of the Power English course is 197 USD currently.
But, there is a final chance to get this useful course with the old price now. If you click the below link, you can see the old price ($97) and buy Power English lessons % with 52 off. However, you should hurry up! Because this is limited time offer.
One question:
I’m confused about what to buy.
Learn real english OR Effortless english?
Please explain me what is the difference.
If i pay $97.00 now do i have to continuing paing every month?
What will i get?
I need to order inmediately,BUT i need theses questions anwsered first.
God bless you all.
Jairo Giraldo
Hello Jairo, First of all, I recommend you to buy Original Effortless English Lessons. When you buy Effortless English you will pay 97 usd only one time. You won’t have to pay any money next months. Also A.J. Hoge has started to sell Power English Lesson Set again. You can buy Power English Lessons also. It is very useful.
Learn Real English lessons are belongs to A.J. Hoge and his a few friends. It is similar to Effortless English and It can be useful after study Effortless English.
i want to speak english very well because i’m going to America to work but i can’t to get visa because my english in not good.
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show me now blease
I need a help to learn english.
I am very happy to learn English with effortless English and I want to thank the creator Effortless because these methods are very interested ways to improve our goals. thank you again my teacher A.J
sorry i downloaded all your lessons illegally and i learned a lot from them can i do sth about it
Hi flyer ant, AJ Hoge toiled to create Efforltess English lessons. If you want to respect him, you can buy one of his lesson sets as if you did not download them illegally. So,
Click here to buy Original Effortless English lesson set.
Click here to buy Power English Lesson set.
i want 2 learn english in an easy way ….please help me….hw can i get this ???hw should i purchase it???can we get it for free…I WANT IT….
HEY I WANT IT FOR FREE …please help me
Hi Levine, you can download a few samples of Effortless English for free at our free download page. However you have to pay 97 usd for full lesson sets of Effortless English and/or Power English.
I’d like to learn free lessons , But i’m really confused about where to start first
Hi Goalz, click here to start to learn English.
I need to learning english
I do not know much about this program, but I definitely think learning English from somebody else who is fluent in it, is a great idea versus trying to learn the language on your own.
Being able to take lessons from someone, especially video lessons, allows you to learn at your own pace, and go back and re-learn anything if you get confused.
There are a ton of different programs out there like this, but this one seems to have a reasonable price.
I paied for effortless English and after few months i can’t get the lessons. <please
fix the problem.. thanks Gus
Hi, I’m an iranian member. I’ve been listen to english files fore along but I can’t understand fast english yet. I can’t understand english movies. Sometimes my listening power seems to be better but some times I feel it’s worse than before, I just don’t know why, please help me
Hi Faezeh, it is pretty normal that you don’t understand movies and fast English speaking at the beginning. You should start from very easy and interesting materials to listen and read. You should listen 2 hours a day and soon, you will be able to understand and speak easily.
I’m a bigenner student , I practiec to speak english. thinks for help
Hi Khalid, you should listen and listen everyday. Because listening is the most useful activity to improve English.
om sai ram
am beginner, what should I purchase and how to download. what is the total size and how many times I can download because I have poor internet connection if it is stopped when I download should I need to pay again?
Hi Vinoth, you don’t need to pay again. Just contact members@effortlessenglish.org
Thank for you r guide!
how to speak with anyone
I wont to be speak fluent in the developed my confidence and my personality.
i want speak english
Hi Sir. I hope you be good and well.learning of English language is good. Because English language is an international languages.
I must to learn English language. So I need your help…
Thanks a lot…
Hi, I’m a beginner. Wich course do you advice me for to learn English and speak without study grammar rules or indirectly like a baby?
Hi Giorgia, you should start with the Learn Real English conversation course to learn English speaking without studying grammar. Just listen to mini story lessons and try to shout the answers loudly. Good luck.